We Have a Responsibility to Increase our Attendance!
It is easier to make excuses than it is to make things happen.
It is certainly more exciting to make things happen.
Check out some of these excuses:
If they would get us a better room...
If they would just be more faithful...
If they would just find us more prospects...
If they would all attend on the same Sunday...
If they were better organize...
If they would get more leadership...
If the literature were...
If the pastor...
If the...
Ephesians 6: 8 says, "... you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does."
God will reward those who make things happen.
Our reward will not be based on how we blame others for not getting things done.
Rewards are about what we do.
Jesus said, "For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels,
and then he will reward each person according to what he has done." (Matthew 16: 27)
God will hold each of us responsible for getting done what He has given us to do.
Let us never be confused as to where the responsibility lies.
God has given you responsibility for your class.
You must feed it.
You must nurture it.
You must be an example in reaching out to the unsaved and unchurched.
You and your class members are ultimately responsible for the health and growth of the group.
As a teacher or group leader, it is your responsibility to see that the group understands their responsibility.
Pastors have a responsibility to equip you through their ministry, but you are responsible to do
what God wants you to do, and to go where God leads you.
Pastors must allow teachers and group leaders to be responsible for their groups.
Teachers and leaders must be allowed to lead.
Some pastors do not trust their leadership to do it right.
(By right -- meaning the way the pastor would like to see it done.)
Sure people will make mistakes.
Let them make mistakes.
Let us learn from our mistakes.
Some pastors might be concerned that, if they didn't have their finger on every class, their church would
get out of control.
One growth expert writes: "If we cannot control it, we ought to rejoice.
For if we cannot control it, it is because it is too great for us, not because it is too small for us.
The great things of God are beyond our control."
This is our hope!
We constantly complain about our limitations.
There are doors that we cannot enter, and there are fields white unto harvest which we cannot reap.
We should be praying for a movement of God among us that is out of human control.
Many years ago, while serving as a counselor in a juvenile delinquent camp,
God stepped in and took things out of our control.
These 90 young boys from the ages of 6 to 16 had already been in trouble with the law.
Their crimes had ranged from shoplifting, arson, and to attempted murder.
The camp began on Sunday afternoon and continued through the next Saturday morning.
As counselors, we had the responsibility of keeping each boy in our sight for 24 hours a day.
Early in the week, several boys had attempted to escape from the camp.
There were no fences to keep them there.
They were there voluntarily.
Every day was tightly scheduled.
Every morning started with breakfast followed by a time of devotion led by one of our outstanding pastors.
Every evening concluded with a worship service led by that same pastor.
Camp began with the boys distrustful of us and belligerent.
Every afternoon was filled with sports and other activities.
We played with those boys.
We stayed with those boys.
We gave them our attention.
We wanted them to know that they mattered.
By the middle of a week, those boys knew we cared.
Every night when the boys were finally asleep, all the counselors met to pray for their salvation.
God answered our prayers!
During the worship service on Thursday night, one of the 16-year-old boys, who had been
the most belligerent, responded to the invitation.
He trusted Christ as his personal Saviour.
With tears running down his freckles face, this big guy turned and pleaded with all the other boys
to trust Christ also.
More than 40 of these young boys came to the Lord Jesus Christ during that service.
I noticed the pastor who had brought the message standing on the side of the auditorium by himself.
This veteran pastor who preached to 1500 people each Sunday looked up at me, and said,
"God took the service out of my hands!"
Then with his eyes filled with tears, and his voice filled with emotion said,
"Isn't God wonderful!"
I pray for a movement of God that would be taken out of human control!
Sometimes, it is very difficult for a pastor or church leader to release control.
But we must trust God to care for His church.
He cares for His church more than any human pastor ever could.
If we desire to see the rapid, spontaneous and growth of the church, we must share leadership.
This is what I appreciate about my mother.
She let me make some mistakes.
I know she saw them coming.
I know she could have stopped me.
She could have stopped me saying that she was only trying to help me.
She knew that I would learn better if I learned from my own mistakes.
Good pastors do the same.
Pastors, don't hog all the mistakes.
Let your people make some of them.
Teachers, with authority comes responsibility.
God will hold you responsible for your leadership of your class.
Ultimately, your responsibility is to God, not to your class or to your pastor.
Who are you tempted to blame for the lack of growth of your class?
Maturity begins with taking responsibility for yourself.
We can do all things for Christ.
We can increase our Sunday School attendance.
-- Article adapted