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On Pipeline:


Is It Well With You?
Is There A Word From God?
Keep Fresh!
Pastor Should Be Something
Pastor, Do Something
Pastor’s God-Called
Pastor & Church Leadership
Pastor’s Role
Pastor, Stay Healthy!
Pastors as Leaders
Preacher and the Skunk
Pastor Search Committee


21 Skills of Great Preachers
Feedin Sheep or
Amusing Sheep
Preaching, A Divine Activity
Preaching Without Results
Preach With Authority
Preach With Love And
Ready To Preach


Creative Spiritual
Effective Christian
Dealing With Criticism
Hostile Aggressive Person
Coping With Bullies
Impossible People
Resolving Conflicts
Leadership Qualities

The Church

How to Organize a Church
Officers of the Church

How To Help Your Church
Increase Your Attendance
Doomed Churches
Responsibility To Increase
Jesus Is Building His
Christian Maturity
Teachers, Be Bridge
Reaching Secular People
Life Cycle of A Church
Christian, You Are Gifted
Deacons -- Body or
Deacon Ministry of One
Biblical Church Growth
Distribution of Spiritual
Installation Service
For Teachers

Other Beliefs:

Beliefs of Islam
Islam, Part Two
Islam, Part Two
Islam & Christianity
Jehovah Witness
Beliefs of Mormons
Book of Mormons
New Age Movement
New Age & The Bible 1
New Age & The Bible 2


What Is Evangelism?
Observation of an
Life-saving Station New

More to come!


Advice On Witnessing
Methods of Appeal
How To Become
A Christian
God’s Answers
To Satan’s Lies

How To Do

Marriage Ceremonies
Wedding Suggestions

Conducting A Funeral
Suggestions for Funeral
More to be added on

Baby Dedications
To be added

Building Dedications
To be added

Dedication of New House
To be added


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   Pipeline is published by Dr. Harold L. White


Pastors Are Human! 

Most of us have heard comments like these from church members:
"Our pastor is a good man, but…"
"Our pastor is an excellent teacher, but …"
"Our pastor has a wonderful personality, but…"

It seems there is always something about their pastor that people don't like.
"He's a capable Bible teacher, but he is not evangelistic."
"He is a powerful preacher, but a poor pastor."
"He works well with the older folks, but the younger people just don't like him."

In almost every church there seems to be a group who, although making some favorable comments,
cannot restrain themselves from pointing out the shortcomings of their pastor.
As a result, many pastors are waging a difficult and discouraging battle against sin and Satan.
They are doing their best, but members of their own congregation are back-stabbing their pastors
with their unfounded criticism.
Then, they wonder why the church is not being blessed and is not growing.

The reason for this unhappy situation in many churches is due to a misunderstanding of the nature
and work of the pastor.
So I would pray that these studies of the pastor and his church members will be used of God to give us
and them a better understanding of these problems, and will create harmony and love in the local church.

Although this passage from John describing the work and ministry of John the Baptist is not speaking
specifically of pastors, it does present some principles which apply to every servant of God,
whether he is an evangelist, a missionary, a Bible teacher, or the pastor of a local church. ...

Let us consider the fact that all members are merely men, and that they have the very same
mortal weaknesses as others.
John 1:6 states, "There was a man.” ...

Even devoted Christian leaders in the church fail to recognize that every pastor is only a man.
Although given a divine call and possessed of wonderful spiritual qualifications, he is just a man.
He is just a human being like everyone else, and so he can't possibly conform to the ideal pattern
some might try to fit him with.

There are many today who overlook the fact that pastors are subject to the same limitations,
and imperfections that are common to everyone. ... MORE

A Man Sent From God

John 1:6-8: "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light

The question that church members should ask themselves from time to time would they have have treated
their pastor any differently if someone had reminded them that he was a specially sent "messenger"
from the throne of God.
Would they have criticized him so severely if they had known that he was specially chosen
and called by the Lord for the work that he is doing?

I believe that many would have to admit that their attitude, actions, and words would have been
much different for their pastors if they remembered that God Himself had placed them in their churches
for a definite purpose.
Many pastors are treated shamefully, simply because that that truth is forgotten.

Although pastors are men, and are mere humans with weaknesses and limitations;
nevertheless those who are true ministers of the gospel are men sent from God.
And if they are faithful to the office that has been entrusted to them, they deserve our respect and esteem.

Look at three characteristics of John the Baptist as mentioned in the Gospel of John.
These three same traits apply to every genuine minister of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John."
2. "The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe."
3." He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light." (John 1:6-8)

Notice those three things that are mentioned about John the Baptist.
First, "There was a man…"
John was a human being with human shortcomings.

Second, he was different from others in that he was "sent from God."
He was a man, but he was a man who was specifically chosen by the Lord Himself.

Third, His purpose in life was to preach the Lord Jesus Christ.
He "came… to bear witness of the Light."

These three truths are true of every preacher of the Gospel.
They also are men who are just as human as anyone else.
They are set apart from others, however, in that they are sent from God with a divine appointment.
Their mission is to preach Christ. ... MORE

A Divine Commission

We cannot understand that some of the most overworked people in the world today are those who attend
to the basic and urgent needs of mankind.
I am thinking especially about those in the ministry, and particularly the pastors of churches.
The demand placed upon their strength, both physically and emotionally, often brings them close
to the breaking point.

This message is about your pastor and you.
I am not so much concerned with the amount of the preacher's work as I am with the nature of his activities. ...

When a man assumes a pastorate, is he justified in spending most of his time in administrative meetings,
board meetings, committee meetings, budget planning meetings, building program meetings, luncheons,
dinners, and banquets?

The answer to these questions is suggested by the Scripture in John 1: 6-8:
"There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light

John came with a divine calling.
Verse 7 reveals that John's primary mission which was "to bear witness of the Light."
Verse 8 repeats this emphasis: "He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light."

John the Baptist was a man with human limitations.
He was a man sent from God with a divine mission.
This man sent from God was commissioned to bear witness of the Light.
He was to preach Christ.

These three things are also true of all genuine ministers of the Gospel today.
As men they are subject to human weaknesses and failings, and therefore need our prayers.
As men "sent from God," they deserve our respect and should be esteemed because of their divine calling.

And like John, their mission should be "to bear witness of the Light."
It is this third point that needs to be emphasized. ... MORE

Is It Well With Thee?- 2 Kings 4
Pastor, we should never forget that there is a battle in process right now for the hearts and minds
of every child on earth including our own children.
Satan would deceive and destroy them if given the remotest opportunity.
I am also convinced that Satan will send his most skillful representatives to attack the pastor,
his wife, and his children.
He knows that if he can bring down the Christian home that we proclaim, that in the process
he will damage and destroy the effectiveness of a ministry. ... MORE

Is there a word from the Lord today?
I believe there is a word from the Lord, but it is not a new word; neither is it a different word.
It is the final word spoken to us long ago and which has not been heeded in the day in which we live.
The Epistle to the Hebrews begins by saying, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners
spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us
by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things
God has spoken to us in these last days by His Son and His word to us in this hour is,
"Hear ye Him!" ...

When It’s Best to Leave
It is never easy to see someone we love depart, even when we know it's for the best.
Often, parents who pack up their child's belongings as the child heads off to college have to fight back the tears,
even though they are proud of their child and have hoped for a long time to see this day.
Every bit of clothing, each record album, and every book that goes in the box has a memory
attached to it, and the eyes grow moist.
A beloved minister announces to the congregation that a new call has come, a new congregation waits for him,
and a move must take place.
The congregation has known this time would come someday, and they also truly believe and trust
that this is the call of God and the right thing to do.
And yet, it is so hard to let their minister go. ...More

The Pastor Should be Something.
The idea of walking suggests that which people see in the life which you live.
Someone has said, "The world looks at the preacher out of the pulpit to know what he means when in it."
We must so live, that what we do, does not speak so loudly that people cannot hear what we say.
We know that when the pastor succumbs to the sins of the flesh; it becomes big news.
When that happens, he brings shame upon himself, the Christian cause, other pastors, and most of all,
upon the Lord Himself. ...More

Pastor, Do Something
I do believe that most preachers stay busy.
But busy at what?
Much of what we do may be good, but we must beware lest the good shall become the enemy of the best.
If we are not careful, we may find ourselves being the slave to a multitude of civic, social,
yes, even church causes, doing what others might do and perhaps do better than we can do them.
We would do well to learn from Nehemiah.
He was busy rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.
Those who sought to defeat his purpose invited him to a conference.
He replied, "I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease,
whilst I leave it, and come down to you
." (Nehemiah 6: 3)

Obviously, there are extra-church duties which call for our participation.
But they should be scheduled and rationed so as not to detract from our primary duties. ...More

Pastors, God Called
A vital question for one called to preach is: “Are you walking with God?"
I truly believe that many have been mistaken concerning this crucial life-changing decision.
Their call has come from some source other than God.
God has not called them.

We know from their message that God has not called them because they are preaching a message
that is not from God.
They have never understood the gospel.

Preaching the Word is still the call of God.
God calls by planting and nurturing a longing for this work in a man's heart.
Then, that man must evaluate himself, as to what this work will involve.
This must come through a deepening relationship with God.
The call must come from God - not from our family, friends or school. ...More

Pastors and Church Leadership
There are times when the pastor wants to lead the church in one direction, and the leadership
wants to move in another direction.
This can settle into a long power struggle.

Division can come over anything from the building program to the order of the morning worship service.
It can also come over the color of the carpet.

Power is at stake and the issue is often irrelevant.
What counts in this situation is who wins.
The issue is often settled at the expense of a split.

Pastors sometimes bring division on themselves.
Some pastors see submitting to the leadership as a sign of weakness.
Some pastors believe that to be called of God is a guarantee that only they know God's will for the congregation.

Pastors Role
The pastor is a servant to servants of the Servant.
That is the role of the pastor.
The ministry belongs to the people.
The pastor is the servant of Christ to the people, so that they may be equipped for their ministry. ...More

Pastor, Stay Healthy!
Healthy ministers respect authority. (Titus 3:1)
Healthy ministers are not afraid to counsel and to take advice of others in the church.
A healthy minister would never state: "No one is going to tell me what to do."
Nor, would he even feel that way.
Healthy ministers don't feel they have a corner on God's will.

Healthy ministers are ready to help. They are patient and caring.

Healthy ministers will never malign another person.
They will not insult or speak evil of others.
They will not use the pulpit to get back at others. ...More

Pastors as Leaders
Many in pastoral leadership, however, continue to feel tension between the two -- pastoring and leading.
With high profile CEOs and megachurch leaders as models, how do most pastors measure up?
How can they? ... More

Pastor Search Committee
The Pastor Search Committee training consists of an orientation for members of the Pastor Search Committee (preferably, prior to beginning their work).
Several questions are answered in this training event... ...More

The Preacher and the Skunk
There is a tremendous lesson to be learned from this parable of the preacher and the skunk.
Oftentimes, our "space" is invaded by some foul creature of the night intent upon rummaging
through our lives, actions and motives.

Human nature says, "Clobber them!"
The wiser course, however, may often be to remain silent.
Clobbering a skunk may only leave you smelling bad!
When the critters of the night came rummaging through His space,

Jesus often remained calm and quiet before them.
When brought before the chief priest after His arrest, "Jesus kept silent" (Matt. 26:63 NKJV). ...More

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