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On Pipeline:


Is It Well With You?
Is There A Word From God?
Keep Fresh!
Pastor Should Be Something
Pastor, Do Something
Pastor’s God-Called
Pastor & Church Leadership
Pastor’s Role
Pastor, Stay Healthy!
Pastors as Leaders
Preacher and the Skunk
Pastor Search Committee


21 Skills of Great Preachers
Feedin Sheep or
Amusing Sheep
Preaching, A Divine Activity
Preaching Without Results
Preach With Authority
Preach With Love And
Ready To Preach


Creative Spiritual
Effective Christian
Dealing With Criticism
Hostile Aggressive Person
Coping With Bullies
Impossible People
Resolving Conflicts
Leadership Qualities

The Church

How to Organize a Church
Officers of the Church

How To Help Your Church
Increase Your Attendance
Doomed Churches
Responsibility To Increase
Jesus Is Building His
Christian Maturity
Teachers, Be Bridge
Reaching Secular People
Life Cycle of A Church
Christian, You Are Gifted
Deacons -- Body or
Deacon Ministry of One
Biblical Church Growth
Distribution of Spiritual
Installation Service
For Teachers

Other Beliefs:

Beliefs of Islam
Islam, Part Two
Islam, Part Two
Islam & Christianity
Jehovah Witness
Beliefs of Mormons
Book of Mormons
New Age Movement
New Age & The Bible 1
New Age & The Bible 2


What Is Evangelism?
Observation of an
Life-saving Station New

More to come!


Advice On Witnessing
Methods of Appeal
How To Become
A Christian
God’s Answers
To Satan’s Lies

How To Do

Marriage Ceremonies
Wedding Suggestions

Conducting A Funeral
Suggestions for Funeral
More to be added on

Baby Dedications
To be added

Building Dedications
To be added

Dedication of New House
To be added


Web Design

   Pipeline is published by Dr. Harold L. White


21 Skills of Great Preachers By Keith Drury
The one thing most of us would rather do than preach, is hear another great preacher.
I mean a "Great" preacher.
I've learned plenty from hearing the best preachers, especially in a live setting.
For most of my life, when sitting under a great preacher, I've taken dual sets of notes, including content
on one list, and a separate set of notes on their communication skills.
What have I discovered in these 40 years worth of notes? ...More

Preaching is a Divine Activity
Preachers are representatives of the all mighty God.
Preachers are beseeching men to be reconciled to the King of the Universe.
God uses preachers' voices, and mannerisms to appeal to people.
When Jonathan Edwards set out as a preacher he was absorbed with God.
Ultimate reality to him was the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

God overwhelmed him.
God laid him low.
The contemplation of God was his delight.
The experience of God's nearness was heaven on earth.
God was his magnificent obsession.

Nothing on earth can compare to preaching the good news about the Lord of glory, when it is declared
not only in word, but with power and with the Holy Ghost. ...More

Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats -- By C. H. Spurgeon
My first contention is that providing amusement for the people is nowhere spoken of in the Scriptures
as a function of the church.
If it is a Christian work, why did not Christ speak of it? "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel
to every creature
" (Mark 16:15).
That is clear enough.
So it would have been if He had added, "and provide amusement for those who do not relish the gospel."
No such words, however, are to be found.
It did not seem to occur to him.

Then again, "He gave some apostles; and some prophets; and some evangelists;
and some pastors and teachers .., for the work of the ministry
" (Ephesians. 4:11-12).
Where do entertainers come in? ...More

Is There A Word From The Lord?
Is there a word from the Lord today?
I believe there is a word from the Lord, but it is not a new word; neither is it a different word.
It is the final word spoken to us long ago and which has not been heeded in the day in which we live.
The Epistle to the Hebrews begins by saying, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners
spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us
by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things
God has spoken to us in these last days by His Son and His word to us in this hour is,
"Hear ye Him!" ... More

Preaching Without Results
You will preach without results when your motive is only to increase your own popularity.
You will avoid preaching doctrines that offend the carnal mind.
They could say to you as they did to Christ, "This is a hard saying, who can hear it?"

Do not disturb the consciences of your hearers, lest they become alarmed about their souls.
Avoid all illustrations, repetitions, and emphatic sentences that may enable your people
to remember what you said.
Avoid all enthusiasm and earnestness in your delivery.
You might leave the impression that you really believe what you say.
Address the emotions of your hearers.
Do not disturb their consciences. ...More

Preach With Authority
Preaching with authority is learned from Christ.

Today, too much of our preaching looks to psychology, to history, to current events,
and to commentaries to verify our message.
No wonder much of today's preaching lacks authority!

We should be acquainted with the opinions of those with learning and experience,
but we must depend upon the Bible.
Our own judgments of the Bible's meanings, and the teachings of Jesus, will have little authority
to touch men's souls.,

We need to preach the Word, not what people say about the Word.
Authority lies in the Word of God, not in the teachings of men!
Authority means "the power to determine," or “to settle issues."
It is a power or right that is delegated or given to us.
Our authorization must come from God. ...More

Preach with Love and Power
Do the members of your congregation know, when you preach, that you love them?
Communicating to a congregation is complex.
Every listener brings to each sermon his own idea of what a sermon should be.

Our pulpit behavior tells our listeners many things about us.
They reveal whether we like the congregation.
They reveal to what degree we respect them.
They reveal also how happy we are to be their pastor.
The most effective preachers always seemed to enjoy both preaching and the audience to whom they preach.

Tactlessness or lack of feeling for someone else's point of view can reveal how much or how little
we care for people.
Our body language always reveals how we really feel.

When we preach the Bible, we must not only love it, but live by it.
We must be certain that what we say is controlled by the Holy Scripture.
The Word must live in us before God's Spirit can make it live in others.

To preach with love and power we need to consider these questions. ...More

Ready to Preach
Paul says, "I am ready to preach the gospel... for I am not ashamed of the gospel Christ."
Paul is not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God.
It is not a power; it is the power.
The gospel is the dunamis -- the power to bring salvation to everyone that believes in Jesus.
It is with this power that we must be obedient to His ultimate and final command -- Jesus saves! ...More

Keep Fresh!
We must commit ourselves to a lifetime of learning.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered,
you will never grow
We will either shape our future or we will be shaped by it.
When we choose to be the best we can, that will make a profound difference in our life.
Those who continue to learn throughout their life generally experience much higher levels of life
and career fulfillment. ...More


Sermon Preparation is for pastor’s who wish to sharpen their preaching skills.

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